Very interested in exploring nature through codes, hikes and flavors. After some years of pipetting and learning about transposons in Drosophila, Felipe completed his bachelor's degree in Biology and started his doctorate in Bioinformatics working with a more unusual organism, Halobacterium salinarum, a salt-loving archaeon recognized as a model microorganism for Systems Biology studies. Applying his previous knowledge on the bench, and the new computational skills, he explored the transcriptome of this microorganism with techniques such as RNA-seq and microarray, leading to the confirmation of a new class of coding transcripts with an impact on the protein diversity of prokaryotes, the intraRNAs. Now, as a postdoctoral fellow at CSBL, Felipe is applying his previous knowledge in transcriptome analysis to delve into the world of virology and to identify progression biomarkers for severe cases of infectious diseases caused by Dengue and Chikungunya.


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