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Mesa Redonda: CZI Grant

CSBL • Feb 10, 2021

A mesa redonda com perguntas e respostas com a  Mariana Boroni (INCA), Pedro Vieira (UNICAMP) e Marcelo Mori (UNICAMP) (vejam o projeto contemplado ) será no dia 25/2, 14h .

Por que a análise de células únicas é importante?

Tecidos são heterogêneos e cada célula responde de forma diferente a um estímulo. Hoje é possível medir a atividade de milhares de genes dentro de células individuais de um câncer, de um pulmão de alguém infectado ou até de um olho humano. O Human Cell Atlas é um consórcio que tenta catalogar os trilhões de células humanas e assim entender melhor o que as torna tão diferentes. Ano passado tivemos o Human Cell Atlas Latin America que mostrou que temos competência para fazer este tipo de análise.

Vejam alguns vídeos sobre o que é possível fazer com single cell analysis.

Grant “Pediatric Networks for the Human Cell Atlas”

Este é um edital da Chan Zuckerberg Initiative para realizar single cell analysis em amostras pediátricas. Vejam os objetivos:

CZI Pediatric Networks grants have the following overarching scientific goals:
● Generate and share data that will contribute to and establish references for organs and tissues during age windows that will clarify childhood development and maximize utility for understanding pediatric disease;
● Represent diverse ancestries in data collected, with the goal of generating references that will promote understanding of disease in populations and communities with increased incidence of childhood disease;
● Build international collaborations that promote coordinated and cohesive progress and contribute to the Human Cell Atlas;
● Identify and address shared computational or infrastructural bottlenecks, to ensure that data generated as a part of this reference can be analyzed, incorporated, and shared as a part of a global reference;
● Collect and share biospecimens, including generating and disseminating solutions for challenges associated with ancestral diversity and vulnerable status of young donors, engagement with communities and families/patients, and storing tissue for subsequent single-cell analysis; and
● Promote collaboration with other funded tissue networks and projects that are actively involved in the HCA as well as other CZI efforts, such as Rare As One, Inflammation, the Neurodegeneration Challenge Network , Essential Open Source Software, and others.

Specific examples may include, but are not limited to:
● Focused atlases or data generation on single organs, tissues, or multiple organs from single donors;
● Opportunities to develop and share tissue resources that will support standards, protocols, and tissue access to pediatrics researchers and clinicians; and
● Computationally focused networks that will address common challenges faced with the assembly, interpretation, and use of pediatric reference data.

Key Dates
March 30, 2021: Applications due by 5 p.m. Pacific Time
July 13 – July 21, 2021: Video call interviews of finalists
August 2021: Earliest notification of decisions (subject to change)
October 1, 2021: Earliest start date of award period (subject to change)

Budget limits: Because varying projects require different resourcing levels, a budget limit has not been set on a per project basis. Proposed budgets should reflect the project scope.

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